The Power of the Asset Lifecycle Curve!
For those of us who inhabit the world of reliability, the “P-F” curve is a familiar concept and identifies the interval between Potential Failure [P] and Functional Failure [F].
First introduced by Stan Nowlan and Howard Heap as part of their document titled “Reliability-Centred Maintenance” in 1978, the curve has subsequently expanded to include Design [D] and Installation [I]. The first draft of the “D-I-P-F” curve, also known as the “Asset Lifecycle Curve”, was created for RCM Blitz® training materials in July 2006. (D. Plucknette, Reliability Solutions Inc.)
This expansion was customer-driven. One frustrated organisation had applied Vibration Analysis [VA] to over 800 assets for many years. Whilst happy that they could detect and address issues before failure, the asset would be problematic once again three months later.
A Reliability Centred Maintenance [RCM] analysis revealed why.
While the company were good at detecting the point of Potential failure [P], without understanding the failure modes causing these alarms, the issues would continue to return.
Over 140 failure modes were identified, including misalignment, insufficient lubrication, cracked foundations, improper belt tension and initial design. All of these could have been eliminated through design changes and improved maintenance practices.
This was why Design and Installation were added to create the DIPF curve.
Over time, our knowledge, skills and tools to deal with potential failure have significantly expanded, and at Industry Partners Australia, we have partnered with experts in these fields.
Through 2021 and into 2022, Industry Partners Australia will be running targeted DIPF curve workshops addressing topics including:
- Asset Management strategy
- Ultrasound lubrication monitoring
- Acoustic Ultrasound condition-based monitoring.
- Fluid and Oil analysis
- Vibration Analysis
- Noise detection
- Thermography
- Industry 4.0 in maintenance
Keep your eye out for the suffix [Asset Lifecycle Series] on our event calendar.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the topics above, please reach out to IPA and discuss your registration for our events.
David Newland; QLD Operations Manager
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