Realise Potential-250

Realise Potential

Business Overview

A dedicated 'smart factory' advisory business helping manufacturers understand, plan, and execute a strategy to Industry 4.0 and IIoT.

With over 40 years' experience in manufacturing across multiple sectors, most of it in factories, John Broadbent is seen as a manufacturing 'elder', having created smart factories for local and overseas businesses.

Realise Potential also offers coaching and mentoring services, as success in strategy implementation is not just about the 'tech'! People and underpinning processes form a key foundation to ensure any strategy has the highest chance of success.

Smart factories result in:

  • Higher efficiencies
  • Reduced waste (especially to land-fill)
  • Lower utility costs
  • Improved availability of equipment (less downtime)
  • Minimised labour costs

Realise Potential also provides 'smart factory readiness assessments', which review where the manufacturing business is on the I4.0 maturity path, providing an understanding of what's in place, where to go, and what's needed to get there. This then provides an investment roadmap for the next 2-3 years, ensuring wise decisions are made along the journey!

Keynotes to industry bodies and companies further support Realise Potential's passion for educating manufacturers.

Business Specialties

Consulting services in the following areas:
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Digital twins
  • IIoT development
  • Process digitisation


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