IPA Newsletter December 2023

6 Minutes Read


Welcome to the December 2023 edition of the Industry Partners Australia newsletter.

As we move towards the end of 2023 and I was tasked with writing this short introduction, I was reminded of our year in Industry Partners Australia (IPA); it has been a year of reflection and planning for the future.

Carson Daly said, "You have to change the set to stay ahead of the curve".

IPA is undoubtedly changing the landscape in which we operate. We are now running events in Victoria and building a membership base. State Forums are now a regular calendar event after feedback from members, the Evolve2 Leadership Program continues to grow and is now available to a greater audience, and the IPA Collective partner program will be launched in January 2024, changing the way industry can find trusted trainers, consultants and service specialists.

Stay tuned as we continue to drive change and bring together the IPA community to improve Australian Industry.

Gary Silversides | Chief Executive Officer


New Members - New Specialists - Specialist Training - About our Events - IPA Upcoming Event Highlights - Recent Blogs

IPA Updates


Salvos Xmas-2023Salvation Army Christmas Christmas Appeal

For several years, Industry Partners Australia has chosen to forgo sending Christmas cards and gifts to our valued customers. Instead, we opt to make a modest contribution to the Salvation Army Christmas appeal.

This year, we are grateful to share that Team IPA was able to provide food hampers for six families. While it may not be a monumental gesture, we believe that every little bit counts.

In today's challenging times, where many are facing financial difficulties, we encourage you to consider a small donation to a cause that resonates with your values. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

Website Header Banner-Evolve2

The Evolve2 Leadership Program goes public!

Over the past eight years, Evolve2 has evolved into one of our membership's most coveted leadership programs. Its remarkable success has posed a challenge as we strive to meet the growing demands of our ever-expanding IPA community with our two internal resources, John Smith and David Newland. 

To address this challenge, we've decided to join forces with Efficiency Works to deliver the program, a trusted partner with whom IPA has a longstanding relationship. This collaboration opens doors to an extensive network of professional trainers and opportunities for future Evolve2 program developments, including self-paced learning initiatives.

Rest assured that the core product we offer our membership remains unchanged, focusing on individual site experiences that bring in seasoned leaders to share their insights and conclude with a site tour whenever feasible. This partnership also guarantees our ability to meet the seat commitments agreed upon in your membership offer. 

Furthermore, this opportunity aligns perfectly with our overarching values of "assisting Australian industry in enhancing business capability," specifically focusing on leadership skills and development. Expanding the reach of the Evolve2 Leadership Program will undoubtedly benefit Australian industry. 

While we continue to meet the needs of your membership entitlements, starting in February 2024, we will also introduce a series of public workshops. These workshops will be paid events, available in both live and online formats, and accessible to both our valued members and non-members. While these public workshops may not replicate every aspect of our exclusive member program, they will retain many key elements throughout the six sessions and presentation morning. 

These are truly exciting times for IPA and our membership. As we continue to unveil new initiatives, we remain dedicated to enhancing business capability within Australian industry.

Women in Industry Breakfast

This week, we had the pleasure of convening our inaugural Industry Partners Australia 'Women in Industry’ breakfast in Queensland. 

With 43 women and 2 men from 26 different businesses, we focused on the topic of ‘Burnout’ via a fantastic presentation from Liz Tully of Mental Wealth At Work.

While gender imbalance is still very real in Australian workplaces, we hope that events like these can help to close the gap.

We are very proud to announce the event was such a resounding success that we are already planning events for 2024. We hope to see you there.

Member's Section



At Industry Partners Australia, we are always excited when new members join the family. We want to take this opportunity to introduce the following companies as our newest members.

In New South Wales ➡️ GME Australia, Harrison Manufacturing and Lion

In Victoria ➡️ Fresenius Medical Care and SPC 

Please be sure to make them welcome at your next IPA event.



Congratulations Virbac
10 years membership to IPA!
A big shout out to Martin and the fantastic team at Virbac. 
Thank you for your support and wonderful engagement with us, our events and our membership across Australia. He’s’ to another 10! 🎉
Congratulations ANSTO
10 years membership to IPA!
A big shout out to Darren, David, Warren and the entire team at ANSTO. 
Thank you for your support and wonderful engagement with us, our events and our membership across Australia. He’s’ to another 10! 🎉




Referrals - Dec NewsletterBeing a member of IPA has many benefits, one being the ability to learn from other member companies within our network. We find it extremely rewarding to facilitate these connections, enabling this resource.  

If you have any business issues that need to be resolved, remember that other companies have more than likely been through the same challenges and can help point you in the right direction. Please reach out to your IPA contact to see if we know of someone who can potentially help. 


Solutions begin with a conversation!

IPA Collective Section



The recently renamed IPA Collective was formed in 2019 and enhances our capability to achieve our vision: to create a community of professionals improving the future of Australian industry, collectively making a difference.   

Our IPA Collective specialists are diverse, but all have a common thread in delivering high-quality products and services; most are regarded as the best in their field. 


Contact John Smith, our National Operations Manager, to learn more about how our specialist program can help you.



Injury Prevention, Injury Management, Health & Safety, Wearable Technology.

Preventure has developed an affordable Wearable Technology platform that utilises Data Analytics and Sports Science to reduce Workplace Musculoskeletal Injuries and support return to work. Backed by evidence-based clinical practice, subscriptions are available for teams of all sizes.


TIACS provides free mental health counselling to tradies, truckies, farmers, blue-collar workers and those who care about them.

TIACS was born through the realisation that there were way too many barriers to free mental health support for the blue-collar community. Operating now since 2020, TIACS provides a free text-and-call service with qualified counsellors.


Condition monitoring services and training, Vibration Analysis including Online Systems, Thermography, Ultrasound, Laser Alignments, and Precision Maintenance.
A service and consultation company focusing on the industrial sector.
Utilising new technology backed by twenty years of experience, Thermalign can help diagnose issues with even your most problematic equipment.




Specialist workshops are run as additional training courses outside our member events portfolio, are not included in your membership, and may incur a cost.  They can be facilitated by the individual specialist or a co-run event with Industry Partners Australia.


Evolve2 Leadership Program (Public)
Evolve2 training event

Evolve2 Logo - Cropped

▶️ NSW  |  Intake commences February 12 ▶️  LEARN MORE

▶️ QLD  |  Intake commences February 12 ▶️  LEARN MORE

Critical Thinking for Problem-Solving
Industry Partners Australia training event

IPA Logo-200

▶️ QLD  |  Tuesday March 5 ▶️  LEARN MORE

▶️ NSW |  Thursday March 7 ▶️  LEARN MORE

▶️ VIC |  Thursday March 14 ▶️  LEARN MORE

Maintenance Planning & Scheduling for Manufacturing
Your Maintenance Coach training event

Your Maintenance Coach_sm

▶️ NSW  |   March 6 - 7 ▶️  LEARN MORE

▶️ QLD |   March 20 - 21 ▶️  LEARN MORE


ArrowAre you an IPA Collective Specialist with something incredible to share with our community?

Email our National Brand Manager, Lana May, with the details and link to the publication.
Why not let us help you celebrate your achievements?


Events Section


Quarterly Triumphs: Industry Partners Australia's Unforgettable Events

In the recent quarter, Industry Partners Australia continued our unwavering commitment to knowledge exchange and collaboration across VIC, NSW and QLD.

We took pride in successfully completing another three intake cycles for our Evolve2 Leadership program, culminating in presentation days held in both QLD and NSW.  We thank all leaders who placed candidates on the program, those who shared their leadership journeys, and hosted us on your sites.

We had some wonderful events with site tours, state forums and our November Senior Leader dinners just to name a few.

We extend our gratitude to all participants, hosts, and knowledge contributors who again played a crucial role in enriching the Australian industrial landscape through these impactful events.









With gratitude to our member companies who generously host and present at our events, we acknowledge the valuable learning opportunities they provide to our members. This quarter, we want to recognise and thank the following companies for their support.


Thanks supportClick on the logos to learn more about these iconic companies.





Free member event - 45 minutes on Zoom

▶️ Strategy Deployment – How the X Matrix can provide clarity

February 2  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

▶️ Supply Chain: Proactive actions for everchanging lead-times

February 23  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

Senior Leader Conversation
Free member event - 1 hour on Zoom

▶️ Patrick Wright; Head of Site Operations at Viatris 

December 5  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

▶️ Garry Higgs; General Manager of Operations; Rheem Australia 

February 21  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

State Forum
Free member event - half-day at an external venue

▶️ QLD - Asset, Maintenance & Reliability | Thursday March 14  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

▶️ NSW - Assets, Maintenance & Reliability | Wednesday March 20  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

Leaders Retreat
Not included in membership - Additional fee applies
Over two days at an external venue

▶️ NSW - The Psychology of Safety | Thursday May 9 - 10  ▶️ REGISTER NOW

Follow us on LinkedIn to keep updated with event highlights.


Training & Conferences Calendar


Recent Blogs


Solutions begin with a conversation! 


Picture of Lana May

Lana May

National Brand Manager
