Training Overview

The objective of the Lean Simulation workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants to think about how Lean could be deployed in their workplace.  The subject matter, principles, and terminology are aligned with the ‘Competitive Systems and Practices’ courses which are nationally-accredited under the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
Efficiency Works will tailor the workshop agenda and training content to customer requirements, and to the workshop participants.
The training workshop introduces the basic principles of Lean and is designed to develop and expand understanding of concepts like waste, customer value, workplace organisation, visual management, process improvement and teamwork, as well as the DMAIC problem-solving methodology.
The workshop is conducted over one day and comprises an iterative and enjoyable series of practical demonstrations that will challenge participants, transfer knowledge and develop basic skills that can be deployed in the workplace.
Under instruction and guidance from the Efficiency Works’ trainer, participants are arranged into groups and required to produce an outcome that is repeated over three stages of learning.  Participant knowledge and skills are gradually increased, allowing them to see a direct correlation between the application of Lean and resulting in productivity improvement.

What will I learn?

As a minimum, participants learn the basic principles of the following Lean tools and techniques:

  • Value Stream Mapping – provides participants with a basic understanding of process analysis, describes value-adding activity, identifies waste, and identifies business improvement opportunities.
  • 7 Wastes – helps identify value-adding and Non-value-adding process activities.
  • DMAIC/Root Cause Analysis/Problem Solving – (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control). Provides a structured and repeatable way to solve problems and sustain the outcomes.
  • Visual Performance Management – shows participants a communication tool that helps to visualise workflow, monitor performance and identify and solve problems.
  • 5S – demonstrates how to improve the workplace by simplifying, organising and sustaining a productive work environment.
  • Just In Time – helps participants understand the benefits of providing products and services only as required by customer demand.
  • Leadership & Teamwork – demonstrates how leadership and working as a team has a direct impact on productivity, team morale and workplace culture.
  • Theory of Constraints – provides a basic understanding of a methodology for identifying the most important factor that stands in the way of achieving the group’s goals.
  • Performance Measurement – develops an understanding of how to collect, analyse and report information and the value of measuring performance.


What outcomes will the training provide?

The Lean Simulation workshop delivers the following outcomes for participants and the organisation:

  • A basic understanding of the principles, tools and techniques of Lean and a valuable first step towards further training.
  • Business improvement knowledge and skills that can realise tangible benefits in the workplace.
  • A heightened awareness of waste and how customer value is created.
  • A positive impact on workplace behaviours and culture.
  • A catalyst for a program of continuous improvement.

Who will benefit from this training?

The learnings are relevant and applicable to all types of organisations and to all levels of management, administration and delivery.

Even though it is designed to provide an entry-level understanding of Lean, the workshop provides a cogent refresher for business improvement specialists and other staff who have had previous exposure to the Lean tools and techniques.

The workshop is suitable for:                              

  • Executives and managers
  • Supervisors
  • Frontline staff
  • Administration and support staff

What is the duration of this training?

This is a full-day workshop.

